Skin Tags: What Are They And How Do You Get Rid Of Them?

Skin tags are a benign skin flap that develops on just about anyone over time. They are harmless, although they can sometimes rub on your clothing or be bothersome to you for vanity reasons. There is no one reason why skin tags develop, and most everyone will develop a skin tag within their lifetime. Some of the lucky ones only have one or two, while there are the unlucky ones that will develop hundreds of these skin tags. Read on for more information about skin tags and what you can do about them.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are flat, balloon-shaped tags of skin that develop in various parts of the body. Usually they are found on the eyelid, neck, underarms, groin area and buttock areas of the body. Skin tags are harmless, but they can be painful when something rubs on them, such as clothing. Skin tags are usually benign, so if you do develop one, it's most likely not a cancerous growth. Skin tags are formed on top of a small shaft that holds it to the skin.

Should You Get Rid Of Skin Tags?

You should never attempt to get rid of a skin tag on your own. If it is bothering you for any reason, it can be removed by a dermatologist or a physician, but you shouldn't attempt to cut one off yourself. You will be in pain, and you will bleed. If it isn't done correctly, another skin tag may grow in its place, especially if you don't remove the shaft, as well. Skin tags are often not removed, as they are harmless, but if they are a bother to you or you simply don't want them in certain areas of the body, you can go to the dermatologist to have them removed.

How Are Skin Tags Removed?

Skin tags are removed differently depending on the physician or dermatologist you are using and the size of the skin tag. Larger skin tags may require an in-office surgical procedure, while smaller ones may be able to be frozen or cauterized off of the body. Some skin tags may be strangulated and simply fall off of the body. The placement of the skin tag will also dictate what type of removal procedure is used. If you have a skin tag close to the eye on the eyelid, a cauterizing or freezing method may not be used. 

If you have skin tags and they are bothersome to you, make an appointment with the dermatologist to be sure it is in fact a skin tag and to see if it can be removed. If you have any concerns with your skin, seek help from the dermatologist.

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Skin Grafts to Laser Treatments: The World of Dermatologists Did you know that dermatologists can do more than simply prescribe creams and washes? In addition to being skincare experts, they often carry out procedures like skin grafts, laser hair removal, and Botox injections. They are truly experts on all things skin-related, and therefore the dermatologist's office is the place you should go if you have any concerns about your own skin. You can also ease your concerns by reading here. This website is not a substitute for dermatology care, but it is a good place to learn more about this field of medicine and the wonderful treatments it has to offer.




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